Aco Logistics remains vigilant as we keep the health and safety of our employees, independent contractors, clients and customers top of mind in the battle to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We’ve been inspired through the efforts of our customers and our drivers to keep critical goods and services running through this crisis and want to assure you we are doing all we can to mitigate any risks while maintaining business continuity.

We’re actively monitoring the global COVID-19 pandemic, and we invite you to visit the websites of the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control for the most up-to-date information.

As we continue to provide essential delivery services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re also aware that increased cases lead to increased risks in the markets we serve. To that end, we’re continuing to take extra precautions to keep our drivers safe and informed of CDC guidelines, distributing face masks and protective gloves and providing contact-free delivery options. Our drivers are required to wear masks and protective gloves, and they will provide contact-free delivery by default wherever possible.

Our drivers will not perform deliveries under any of the following conditions:
* They have a recent fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, cough, shortness of breath; OR,
* They are asymptomatic but have tested positive for COVID-19; OR,
* They have been exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days, regardless of whether they have developed symptoms

Any driver who abstains from work due to symptoms, illness or quarantine can return to performing deliveries if all of the following apply:
* They have had no fever for at least three days (without taking medication to reduce fever during that time); AND,
* There is improvement in their respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath); AND,
* At least seven days have passed since their symptoms began

If we receive notice that any of our drivers who serve your business test positive for COVID-19, we will inform you immediately. However, we will also comply with HIPAA guidelines and will not disclose the name of the driver/patient. This policy will help reduce the spread of infection, while also protecting the privacy rights of our drivers.

Likewise, we would also like to ask you to take similar measures to inform us promptly in the event that your staff members or customers who engage with our drivers test positive. In the event that our drivers become exposed to someone who tests positive, we would like to be in a position to notify them as soon as possible.

We thank you all for your continued partnership and for working together to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
